Winter season is just around the corner, here are the details.
Sign up day - Wednesday 10/20 4-5pm at The Swimming Hole
A great opportunity to meet the coach, ask questions, and see the facility.
Can't make it... stop in anytime and fill out the registration form,
or follow this link to print it out and complete it at home!
Stowe Swimmers 2011 Winter Essay Scholarship - Win free tuition for the winter season
All are invited to write an essay on this years topic and submit it by Monday 10/11
Please contact the coach or front desk for details and rules.
Swim Suit Order Deadline - 11/4 -
If you want a team suit please submit payment and size on your registraion form by the deadline date.
Competeing in the 2010/2011 season? - Please follow the link and fill in the form completley and return to the Swimming Hole when you are ready to register to join the team, you will also pay the fee to USA swimming at The Swimming Hole.
1st Day of Practice - Monday 10/25