Friday, October 28, 2011

Week 2 - Distance, Fins, Goals, Shoulder Warm-up, & our 1st Swim Meet!

* Distance day was fun on Tuesday with the Seniors swimming repeats of 200 meters in Lane 2, 400 meters in Lane 3, & 800 meters in Lane 4.

* Fins were everywhere on Wednesday and the Juniors were swimming fast. The Seniors were racing with partners... one swimmer used their arms while the being pushed by their partner who was wearing flippers... hard work can be fun!

* Goal Writing - The Senior swimmers all wrote 2 goals for themselves to work on this season. 1 goal was swimming performance focused & the other was lifestyle focused, working on something outside of the pool. They were welcome to share them with me or keep them private. Parents and Swimmers should check in with those goals through out the season, and change them as needed! Here were a few examples:
- swim 200 free at a meet - make a noticeable improvement in butterfly - drink more water - stretch more - make a new friend - not stress as much at school - make age groups!

* Dynamic Shoulder Warm ups - Check out the video below from USA Swimming. I shared this with the Senior Swimmers on Thursday to introduce them to the dos & don'ts of shoulder stretching with a focus on pre-race warm ups. These are repetitions that can be done at home as well as before or after practice to help keep the shoulders flexible and strong!

* 1st SWIM MEET - IMX CHALLENGE - Sunday, 10/30
Good luck to Samantha Wisdom, Heidi Brynn, Alex Fuss, ZachFuss, Seychelle Duckworth, Yvain Hoekstra, Tanis Hoekstra, & Emily Haskins.
Good luck to Rachel Haskins & Megan Gresham who are going for the true IMX Challenge -
200 of Fly, 200 Back, 200 Breast, 500 Free & 400 IM in one meet!!!

*Next Week:
Happy Halloween Practice - a spooky day in the pool!!! Swimmers are invited to wear their costumes over their suits to show their friends.... best costume awarded a prize & other fun Halloween activities, will it be a trick....or a treat?????
Team Suit Order - Monday 10/31 last day to order a team suit!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Week One

In the Water a week earlier this season has been a success!

Our roster continues to grow with a great group of kids, including 17 swimmers new to the Winter Season! We will continue to take sign ups through the next 2 weeks so stop in at The Swimming Hole and sign up to be a part of the fun.

Goals for Week 1 - The team has been focusing on the basics, which is also one of the most important fundamentals of swimming fast - THE STREAMLINE! We are watching each other and encouraging each other to be as Narrow as an Arrow through the water to improve efficiency.

Swim Time Day - We accomplished our swim time day with 29 swimmers on Wednesday. We will continue to get a pre season time for all the swimmers through the next week, so no worries if you missed that day. Juniors swim a 25 Freestyle and a 50 flutter kick for time, while Seniors swim a 50 Freestyle and 100 flutter kick (in a 25 meter pool) for time! Everyone did great, what wonderful sportsmanship, team spirit, and individual efforts.

Winter 2012 Scholarship Essay Contest - Congratulations to Megan Thomas! Megan's essay truly spoke of the importance of team and support of others in our individual quest for our goals. Megan is 13 years old and new to Stowe, we are excited to have her on the Club this year.

White Cap Awards - Each practice a swimmer from each lane is asked to sign the lane's cap for that day's achievements, and the swimmers are excited to get their names' on the cap as many times as possible this season! Here are few names that got signed this week -

Jacob McCormack for his great 50 meter kick time - never giving up!

Oliver Ames for team spirit with the Junior cannon ball contest - learning every one's name!

Samantha Wisdom for executing her lane's workout with leadership & confidence!

Keep up the great week, and I look forward to week 2!
-Meet Sign ups Due Monday & Wednesday for IMX & WINTER CLASSIC MEETS
-Setting Personal Goals for the Season

Monday, October 10, 2011

Meet Sign Ups Begin

Stowe Swimmers Winter Meet SIGN UP begins:
-All sign ups happen through the front desk with paperwork & payment
-We can help you in person, via email, or phone (253-9229)
-Please note the DEADLINE for each meet
-We must get our team entries in on time or we risk not being allowed to compete
-Coaches Choice is always an option for sign up so don't be afraid to ask!
-2011-2012 USA Swimming Registration is Required for these meets

1. Vermont High School Meet - St. Michael's College Pool, Cholchester, VT

-High school age swimmers only (9th-12th grade)
-Friday October 21, 2011
-Meet Announcement & Event Schedule[1].pdf
-Deadline to sign up Wednesday 10/19 5:00pm

2. GMA IMX Challenge - St. Michael's College Pool, Cholchester, VT

-Sunday October 30, 2011
-Meet Announcement & Event Schedule[2].pdf
-Deadline to Sign up Monday 10/24 5:00pm

3. UVAC Winter Classic - Upper Valley Aquatic Center, White River Junction, VT

-Friday, Saturday, Sunday December 9-11, 2011
-Meet Announcement & Event Schedule
-Deadline to Sign up Wednesday 10/26 5:00pm