Thursday, February 9, 2012

Practice Goals keep us focused

The Stowe Swim Club has been following weekly goals this season to help keep us focused, motivated, and fast!

Week #13, January 17th: Swimming Fast helps you swim Fast
We practices feeling uncomfortable to help us understand what feeling fast feels like, we used tools like flippers and paddles to help our feel of the water and move our bodies Fast! On 1/19 the Senior swimmers had Sprint Day, which sounds easy but sprinting is hard work and they proved it!

Week #14, January 23rd: What Motivates You? Rewards come in all forms!
We wait all season for this week, CANDY LAND DAY! The kids get to enjoy the water, swimming with friends, and of coarse candy. Check out the workout board.
Week #15, January 30th: Trust your Training & let it happen!
With our last regular season meet as the end of this week, and the qualifying Regional Championships in 2 we use this week to complete are training and feel ready for what comes next! Our swimmers that don't compete enjoy the benefits of the speed work and accountability of their workouts, feeling proud of the hard work and what they are able to accomplish!

Week #16, February 6th: Remember the small stuff matters & make it happen!
Take ownership of your training and bring the focus back to what is important, technique and feel! We tapper this week as a team because its feels great to dial back the distance, increase the rest, and feel fast in the water! We also got some early end of season times for some of the swimmers, and they look fast!!! I can't wait to see what early March will bring as we bring our season to an end and really compare how far we've come!

Next week: Recovery is Important
We will be helping our racing swimmers recover from a big meet and bring everyone back together to continue some strong technique work and slowly build the distance back up with some comfortable pace swims. oh, and.... GAME DAY on Monday 2/13. FUN is important too!

We only have 4 weeks left of the season, it goes by so fast and I can't wait for our end of season HOME MEET on 3/16!!

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