Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays

The Stowe Swimmers are enjoying a well deserved mid-season break and will be back in the water on Tuesday, 1/3/2012.

This week in practice we celebrated the holidays with our Water Games practice on 12/21 & 12 Days of Christmas workout on 12/22. Our week goal was finishing with 110% not just 100%! The swimmers did this in every workout all week long! The Juniors started the week working on their Individual Medley order, practicing all the strokes, and the Seniors continued to work on their interval training on Tuesday.

On Water Games day we took the lane lines out and swam in a circle, creating a giant whirlpool, then practiced some water ballet with sculling and more circle jogging! The juniors were able to play their own game of Sharks & Minnows, very fun! Than the Seniors played Water Basketball, a variation of water polo for 30 minutes, followed by a few very intense rounds of Sharks & Minnows in which Seychelle, Emily, & Megan G. swam 25 meters underwater more times than I can count! The kids eventually got frustrated and pulled them up to the top! That's some serious oxygen deprivation training, way to strengthen those lungs.

Thursday's workout was great fun! In the water was a small group who accomplished the 12 days of Christmas:
Yvain Hoekstra, Taylor Marshal-Carney, Megan Thomas, Gunner Simons, Megan Gresham, Seychelle Duckworth and guest appearance alumni Clare Miller, along with guest coach 10 year old Tanis Hoekstra, so coach Cara could join in and swim along side!

The workout went like this (or sing it!)
On the 12th day of Christams my swim coach gave to me.....
12 x 50 or 12 x 75 drill/swim warm up
11 bubble bobs
10 x 25 IM order or 10 x 50 choice on :60
9 x vertical leap, try and touch the flags
8 x push ups
7 x 50 or 100 hold 80% effort interval Free
6 x 25 with flippers, underwater streamline as far as you can!
5 x 50 kick w/ flippers & board
4 x 24 dolphin dives
3 x 100 all out fast for time, :60 rest
2 x 50 or 100 coo down swim
1 x Christmas Carol
We chose Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and sang it in the middle of the pool!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Continuous Swim Day - 500 & 1500 resutls

We can all be Distance Swimmers!

This is our week 9 goal and swimmers proved it to be true with great performances on Continuous Swim Day, Wednesday, 12/14. The Juniors attempt a times 500 and the Senior Swimmers attempt a timed 1500 (1 mile!). The results are amazing, and they all left practice feeling so proud of themselves. For many swimmers this was first time event, and for others it was an opportunity to show how they have improved from last year, and that they did! Way to go everyone, I look forward to this practice every year and the swimmers never disappoint.

Juniors: name - distance - (times are in minutes:seconds.tenths) (age)
Anna Alberghini 500 16:55.02 (7)
Amelia Booth 500 15:38.59 (7)
Mack Bowen 500 18:07.02 (8)
Oliver Branch 500 28:40.55 (6)
Sophie Burkhouse 500 17:06.36 (7)
Alex Fuss 500 16:50.68 (7)
Eva Hynes 500 17:02.62 (8)
Ludwig Kumpf 500 22:41.01 (7)
Anthony Marron 500 14:02.06 (7)
Jacob McCormack 350 31:52 (6)
Emma McIntosh 500 23:03.17 (6)
Emaline Ovellette 500 29:03.17 (6)
Lynn Russell 500 14:35.49 (8)
Cole Sautter 500 20:13.48 (8)

Seniors: name - distance - (times are in minutes:seconds.tenths) (age)
Emily Ames 1500 42:45 (7)
Miles Ames 1500 34:09.18 (11)
Oliver Ames 1500 25:47.91 (17)
Seychelle Duckworth 1500 24:30.66 (14)
Grace Dupuis 1500 51:01(9)
Alexis Faith 1500 25:54.78 (12)
Zach Fuss 1500 32:50.56 (10)
Madison Gadomski 1500 32:26.27 (10)
Megan Gresham 1500 20:50.75 (13)
Emily Haskins 1500 20:58.19 (16)
Tanis Hoekstra 1500 41:34 (10)
Yvain Hoekstra 1500 34:04.60 (11)
Taylor Marshal-Carney 1500 40:55 (11)
Will McIntosh 1500 33:19.93 (9)
Chapman Roper 1500 36:20.26 (11)
Gunnar Simons 1500 51:01 (11)
Isabelle Strong 1500 25:53.47 (14)
Cassie Wisdom 1500 25:53.37 (12)

Busy December: 2 meets & Game Day

December is proving to be a busy time in the pool for the Stowe Swimmers, and also a very fun time to be a Stowe Swimmer!!!

December 4th - 8 swimmers traveled to St. Johnsbury Academy to compete in the St. Johnsbury Swim Club, Team Specialty Meet. Personal bests and qualifying times were the coaches high lights, however the swimmers had a different favorite at this meet. A mid session Melee for both sessions truly touched on the meaning of swimming - FUN! Bouncy balls were thrown in the pool, 3 with stars on them, one the go all the swimmers jumped in from anywhere on the pool deck and collected as many as possible. Star bouncy balls one a prize, and our own Heidi Brynn came up big with a free concession stand coupon! This was also a first Winter season meet for Taylor Marshall-Carney, Lynn Russell, & Megan Thomas - Way to Go!
Meet Results

December 5th - Game Day! Practices such as this one highlight the benefits of being on a team! We split the age groups up so each lane had a combination of ages and abilities. Swimmers select tasks from their lane bag and swim for points! Winning team (most points) was first to go off the diving board at the end of practice! Cannon Ball champions for the day were Mac Bowen, Samantha Wisdom, & Emily Haskins! Own LaBombard & Oliver Ames were runner ups!

December 9-11 Stowe Swimmers had 17 competitors race at the UVAC Winter Classic in White River Jct. This is a huge meet and we are always lucky to attend as it fills every year, and allows us to race new teams from other states! This was a first time meet for Will McIntosh and the 1st meet in years for Oliver Ames, both posted great times and found new motivation for practice! This meet always prove to be a producer of best times as Stowe Swimmers posted 70 personal bests out of 105 swimmers, and Alexis Faith lead the way with swimmer a personal best in all 9 of her races!
Meet Results

Way to go Stowe - our next meet is January 6-8 at St. Michael's College! Sign ups are due Wednesday, December 21st.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Legal Strokes & Turns

Through out the season Stowe Swimmers learn how to swim all 4 competitive strokes legally as defined by USA Swimming. We focused on swimming legally this week, as every ones conditioning has improved so much in the past 7 weeks.
It may take some swimmers years to master a legal stroke or turn, but with practice, determination, and desire everyone can make the changes needed to legalize their stroke. Swimming a legal stroke/turn means when a swimmer competes in a US sanctioned meet their finish time will stand, where as a non legal stroke would result in a DQ (disqualification). More importantly a legal stroke and turn also helps the swimmer achieve more efficiency and therefore a faster time in the water! To learn more about the legal strokes check out the 2011 USA Swimming Rules book.
The work we did this week will lead us into swimming legally with more efficiency next week, as we continue to build our endurance base while adding more power work & race pace training.

Some stellar highlights this week involved swimmers really making the mental connection to a legal stroke/turn and physically executing one!

Grace Dupuis - Legal back stroke turn
Megan Thomas - Legal breaststroke pull out
Yvain Hoekstra - Legal butterfly (with 2 kick beat!)
Grace Barrows - Legal back stroke turn
Parker Klingsberg - Legal back/breast IM flip
Eugene Petrow - working hard to correct his lazy foot breast stroke kick... you can do it!

Wednesday was partner day & the kids loved it! - we had 8 stations, each taught by one of our own Lane 4 swimmers. They were: Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly, Race Finishes, Breast & Fly turns, Free & Back turns, & Starts! We rotated through the stations, focusing on specific aspects of each skill to help each swimmer. The small groups were a big hit and learning from a peer was even more fun!
Our favorite station turned out to be Backstroke, because it had the best teacher, way to go Oliver Ames, the kids really enjoyed your help!

Best of luck to our 8 swimmers competing in St. Johnsbury this Sunday! Results will be posted next week.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

This was as short week for the Stowe Swimmers: Monday & Tuesday only so we made sure Fun was the focus!

Monday was kick board day, and the opportunities for a workout with a kick board are endless. Some of the favorites were sitting and surfing on the board, both great for improving balance and sculling. The seniors also faced off in Kick'O War competitions for a splashy end of practice!

Tuesday the seniors enjoyed a Thanksgiving Dinner work out with coach Cara. Its amazing how much more fun a workout can be when you title the set, "Mash potatoes mixed with stuffing".

Next Week:

We focus on Legal Strokes and making the changes needed so every one's strokes are technically legal in competition. Wednesday, 11/30 is partner day and we will use a variation of partners so everyone can help each other with their strokes. A fellow swimmers eye can be a helpful tool and motivator.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Stowe Swim-A-Thon Success

Appreciating the power of the team was our week 5 goal, and the Stowe Swimmers proved how much power their team can create on Wednesday, 11/16! Again, for the 2nd year in a row, I was blown away by the positive drive each swimmer demonstrated. Rising to the occasion not because they were asked to do so, rather because they believed in themselves and in their team. The atmosphere of support on the pool deck from parents, friends, and fellow teammates helped reinforce the power of the team.

1 hour swim
36 swimmers
1562 laps
78100 meters
52.06 miles

Name ~ laps ~ meters
Anna Alberghini~ 37~ 1850
Amelia Booth ~ 24~ 1200
Mack Bowen ~ 23 ~ 1150
Hannah Burdick ~ 34 ~ 1700
Sophie Burkhouse ~ 29 ~ 1450
Alex Fuss ~ 30 ~ 1500
Eva Hynes ~ 33 ~ 1650
Ludwig Kumpf ~ 22 ~ 1100
Anthony Marron ~ 30 ~1500
Jacob McCormack ~ 4 ~ 200
Emaline Ovellette ~ 17 ~ 850
Lynn Russell ~ 30 ~ 1500

Emily Ames ~38 ~ 1900
Miles Ames ~50 ~ 2500
Oliver Ames ~64 ~ 3200
Heidi Brynn ~ 64 ~ 3200
Lily Carleu ~ 32 ~ 1600
Natalie Doehla ~ 35 ~ 1750
Seychelle Duckworth~ 70 ~ 3500
Grace Dupuis ~ 37 ~ 1850
Alexis Faith ~ 65 ~ 3250
Zach Fuss ~ 50 ~ 2500
Madison Gadomski ~ 45 ~ 2250
Megan Gresham ~ 82 ~ 4100
Rachel Haskins ~ 88 ~ 4400
Tanis Hekstra ~ 43 ~ 2150
Yvain Hoekstra ~ 55 ~2750
Parker Klingsburg ~ 51 ~ 2550
Owen LaBombard ~ 48 ~ 2400
Posy LaBombard ~ 49 ~ 2450
Taylor Marshall-Carney ~ 51 ~ 2550
Will McInstosh ~ 51 ~ 2550
Chapman Roper ~ 47 ~2350
Joseph Silva ~ 32 ~ 1600
Cassie Wisdom ~ 61.5 ~ 3075
Samantha Wisdom ~ 50.5 ~2525

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cheering a former Stowe Swimmer on!

Tasija Karosas, of Stowe, VT, had a great meet last week representing her high school in the Florida State Championships. Tasija started as 8 and under swimmer with the Stowe Swimmers, coached by former head coach, Charlotte Brynn. She continues to hold 19 Stowe records in 3 age groups, 8 & under, 9-10, & 11-12. We will be following her progress as she begins the long course season soon, and trains for her 1st appearance at the Olympic Trials in the 100 & 200 back this summer. Way to go Tasija, you have a big cheering section here at The Swimming Hole.

St. Andrew's takes third, wins several individual events at Class 1A state swimming championships

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Power of Positive Thought

THIS WEEK IN PRACTICE: Team Goal - replace negative thoughts with positivity!
Wednesday 11/9 was the loudest practice this season, as Message in a Bottle day called for team cheers along with team work. It was great to see the teams of mixed age groups working together to accomplish their "messages" as they hurried to be the team swimming the most meters, in other words, accomplishing more "message" workouts than the other teams. We had fun team names with 'Team Michael Phelps' lead by Oliver Ames, 'Purple Penguins' led by Emily Haskins (swimming the most distance during the Junior practice time & loudest team cheer), 'The Wed Dogs' led by Seychelle Duckworth, and 'Purple Ninja's' led by Rachel Haskins (swimming the most distance overall). We finished practice by cheering on the Juniors with a 25 meters choice from a cannon ball start! Great job everyone!

Thursday 11/10 the seniors accomplished a 'test set' of 100's on a challenging interval of their choice, for 30 minutes. Everyone did great and learned how to stay positive, believe in themselves, set a goal and achieve, and how to improve as an athlete. Way to go to our white cap winners, Lane 4: Emily Haskins holding 20x100 on 1:35 & Cassie Wisdom 17x100 on 1:55, Lane 3: Parker Klingsburg 15x100 on 2:15, Lane 2: Tanis Hoekstra 20x50 on 1:30. These swimmers where chosen for their tenacity in this workout and positive self talk.

New England Regional Qualifying Times have been released. Congratulations to 6 of our swimmers who have qualified on 10/30. Heidi Brynn (11) 100 Back & Breast, Zach Full (10) 100 Free, Megan Gresham (13) 500 Free, 200 Fly & Back, 400 IM, Emily Haskins (15) 200 IM, Rachel Haskins (18) 500 Free, & Samantha Wisdom (10) 100 Free, 50 Fly, Back & Breast, 100 IM.

Team Goal - "Support your Team: give support & you will receive support!)

Wednesday, November 16th - Stowe Swimmers 2nd Annual Swim-A-Thon
~all swimmers in practice this day will be swimming for 1 hour as many laps as they can!
~all swimmers need a lap counter, bring a friend or relative to cheer you on!
~gather pledges or donations for your laps! (due November 28th)
~set a goal and go swim it!

I can't wait to watch all the swimmers burn it up in the pool!

Friday, November 4, 2011

It is November in the pool!

A big training month for the Stowe Swimmers as we focus on team work in the lane, using the pace clock for accountability, putting negative thoughts out of our head, and enjoying the feeling we get after working hard!

Sunday, 10/30 IMX Challenge Meet

10 swimmers posted 18 personal best times and 26 top 10 finishes in their respective events!

Great job to Heidi Brynn, Seychelle Duckworth, Alex Fuss, Zach Fuss, Megan Gresham, Emily Haskins, Rachel Haskins, Tanis Hoekstra, Yvain Hoekstra, & Samantha Wisdom!

IMX is a USA Swimming program that encourages all swimmers to race all the competitive strokes and an IM in one meet! Megan Gresham (13) and Rachel Haskins (18) both swam the full IMX Challenge with 500 Free, 200 Fly, 200 Back, 200 Breast, & 400 IM! They are contenders for 1st place in their age group at this meet, we are awaiting the points result!

Learn more about the IM Ready and IMX Challenge programs from USA Swimming.

Monday was a fun Halloween workout that involved a monster tombstone kick set!


We focused alot of our sets this week on using the clock every time, flip turns and coming off the wall in the correct positions, & working hard enough to get uncomfortable in the water. All things that will help us swim faster in 4 months! The Juniors continue to work on technique to improve the efficiency, building endurance by swimming 400-600 meters a practice, & started Breaststroke this week as well.

COUNT DOWN to the SWIM-A-THON: 12 days!!!! November 16th

Start collecting pledges and set your goal high - How many laps can you swim in 1 hour!

We will need parent and friend volunteers to come and count your swimmers laps please. Remember that his a team building event that will help keep all the Stowe Swimmers in sharp team apparel. This event gives all the swimmers a strong sense of individual and team pride, in the water and also out of the water in the community!

Next Week: #4 (marks 1 month in the pool!)

Week Goal: Positive Thoughts out way negatives

Message in a Bottle Practice - Wed 11/9

Friday, October 28, 2011

Week 2 - Distance, Fins, Goals, Shoulder Warm-up, & our 1st Swim Meet!

* Distance day was fun on Tuesday with the Seniors swimming repeats of 200 meters in Lane 2, 400 meters in Lane 3, & 800 meters in Lane 4.

* Fins were everywhere on Wednesday and the Juniors were swimming fast. The Seniors were racing with partners... one swimmer used their arms while the being pushed by their partner who was wearing flippers... hard work can be fun!

* Goal Writing - The Senior swimmers all wrote 2 goals for themselves to work on this season. 1 goal was swimming performance focused & the other was lifestyle focused, working on something outside of the pool. They were welcome to share them with me or keep them private. Parents and Swimmers should check in with those goals through out the season, and change them as needed! Here were a few examples:
- swim 200 free at a meet - make a noticeable improvement in butterfly - drink more water - stretch more - make a new friend - not stress as much at school - make age groups!

* Dynamic Shoulder Warm ups - Check out the video below from USA Swimming. I shared this with the Senior Swimmers on Thursday to introduce them to the dos & don'ts of shoulder stretching with a focus on pre-race warm ups. These are repetitions that can be done at home as well as before or after practice to help keep the shoulders flexible and strong!

* 1st SWIM MEET - IMX CHALLENGE - Sunday, 10/30
Good luck to Samantha Wisdom, Heidi Brynn, Alex Fuss, ZachFuss, Seychelle Duckworth, Yvain Hoekstra, Tanis Hoekstra, & Emily Haskins.
Good luck to Rachel Haskins & Megan Gresham who are going for the true IMX Challenge -
200 of Fly, 200 Back, 200 Breast, 500 Free & 400 IM in one meet!!!

*Next Week:
Happy Halloween Practice - a spooky day in the pool!!! Swimmers are invited to wear their costumes over their suits to show their friends.... best costume awarded a prize & other fun Halloween activities, will it be a trick....or a treat?????
Team Suit Order - Monday 10/31 last day to order a team suit!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Week One

In the Water a week earlier this season has been a success!

Our roster continues to grow with a great group of kids, including 17 swimmers new to the Winter Season! We will continue to take sign ups through the next 2 weeks so stop in at The Swimming Hole and sign up to be a part of the fun.

Goals for Week 1 - The team has been focusing on the basics, which is also one of the most important fundamentals of swimming fast - THE STREAMLINE! We are watching each other and encouraging each other to be as Narrow as an Arrow through the water to improve efficiency.

Swim Time Day - We accomplished our swim time day with 29 swimmers on Wednesday. We will continue to get a pre season time for all the swimmers through the next week, so no worries if you missed that day. Juniors swim a 25 Freestyle and a 50 flutter kick for time, while Seniors swim a 50 Freestyle and 100 flutter kick (in a 25 meter pool) for time! Everyone did great, what wonderful sportsmanship, team spirit, and individual efforts.

Winter 2012 Scholarship Essay Contest - Congratulations to Megan Thomas! Megan's essay truly spoke of the importance of team and support of others in our individual quest for our goals. Megan is 13 years old and new to Stowe, we are excited to have her on the Club this year.

White Cap Awards - Each practice a swimmer from each lane is asked to sign the lane's cap for that day's achievements, and the swimmers are excited to get their names' on the cap as many times as possible this season! Here are few names that got signed this week -

Jacob McCormack for his great 50 meter kick time - never giving up!

Oliver Ames for team spirit with the Junior cannon ball contest - learning every one's name!

Samantha Wisdom for executing her lane's workout with leadership & confidence!

Keep up the great week, and I look forward to week 2!
-Meet Sign ups Due Monday & Wednesday for IMX & WINTER CLASSIC MEETS
-Setting Personal Goals for the Season

Monday, October 10, 2011

Meet Sign Ups Begin

Stowe Swimmers Winter Meet SIGN UP begins:
-All sign ups happen through the front desk with paperwork & payment
-We can help you in person, via email, or phone (253-9229)
-Please note the DEADLINE for each meet
-We must get our team entries in on time or we risk not being allowed to compete
-Coaches Choice is always an option for sign up so don't be afraid to ask!
-2011-2012 USA Swimming Registration is Required for these meets

1. Vermont High School Meet - St. Michael's College Pool, Cholchester, VT

-High school age swimmers only (9th-12th grade)
-Friday October 21, 2011
-Meet Announcement & Event Schedule[1].pdf
-Deadline to sign up Wednesday 10/19 5:00pm

2. GMA IMX Challenge - St. Michael's College Pool, Cholchester, VT

-Sunday October 30, 2011
-Meet Announcement & Event Schedule[2].pdf
-Deadline to Sign up Monday 10/24 5:00pm

3. UVAC Winter Classic - Upper Valley Aquatic Center, White River Junction, VT

-Friday, Saturday, Sunday December 9-11, 2011
-Meet Announcement & Event Schedule
-Deadline to Sign up Wednesday 10/26 5:00pm

Thursday, September 29, 2011

2012 Handbook & Schedules

Get a sneak peak at all the information you'll need for the Winter 2012 Season. The Handbook is your guide to understanding our Club, practices, facility usage, & season goals. The Practice Calendar is a great addition to your refrigerator door, keep it handy and you'll never miss out! The Meet Schedule is ready to go if you are interested in traveling to meets and registering with US Swimming.

2012 Winter Handbook

2012 Practice Calendar

2012 Swim Meet Schedule

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Winter 2012 Registration Information

All the information you will need to sign up for Winter Swim Club 2012!

Registration Forms are ready -
Print one and bring it in or come to the Swimming Hole and fill one out!

What will I need to bring to register?
1. Decide if you want to order a team suit, and know your child's size. Look up the sizing chart here: Team suits are not mandatory, but encouraged, having a new competition suit will help your swimmer focus on swimming and not what their wearing. Competition suits are created for less drag in the water and easier swimming.
2. Decide if you want to compete in traveling meets. All meets we attend are US Swimming sanctioned meets and require US Swimming registration. If you do not wish to compete in meets, that is okay! Our season is organized for the success of all participants through practice.

Can I meet the coach and ask questions?
YES! Come sign up on Wednesday, October 12th from 3:30-5:00 and I will be here to answer all your questions. If you can't make it that day the front desk can answer you questions, and if I'm here I'll be glad to talk to you! Always feel free to send me an email or call with any questions.

What do I need to do to compete in meets?
You need to register with US Swimming, which you can do at the front desk when you sign up, or complete this form and home and bring it in:
NEW THIS YEAR: To register with US Swimming we need proof of age, please bring in a copy (certified copy not necessary) of the swimmers birth certificate or pass port or government issued driver's license, or other government agency paperwork stating full name and date of birth. This is a one time only requirement, if you register this year with proof of age, you will not have to prove age again.

Is there a scholarship available?
YES! The Swimming Hole offers an Essay Contest to win full registration tuition for the season! If you are interested please contact the front desk for this years topic, essays are due Thursday, October 13th.

Coming soon..... Winter 2012 Swim Club Handbook, practice schedule (the fun stuff!), 2011-2012 Short Course Yard Meet Schedule, & Stowe Swimmers 2nd Annual Swim-A-Thon fundraiser pledge form (November 16th)!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall 2011 - Winter Season 2012 just around the corner!

Welcome, Stowe Swimmers back in the water today!

Today begins the first day of our Fall Swim Club Prep season, a 6 week program to help new and returning swimmers improve their stroke technique and get their conditioning ready for the winter. I am so excited to be back on deck today after a summer off with my new baby, I can't wait to see all the swimmers and catch up on their new goals for the fall and winter!

Swim Club 2012 will start on October 17, 2011. Registration pamphlets will be available at the front desk and on our web site soon.

See you on the pool deck! - Coach Cara